Privacy Policy

At House of moves Elite Company your privacy is important to us and we value your rights. We do not sell, share, or distribute any personal information like Email, addresses, phone numbers or any other sensitive information to third parties.

Your satisfaction is our priority. We sometimes use the nonpersonally identifiable information that we collect to monitor traffic patterns, analyze and quantify preferences, improve the design and content of our Web site.

We request information from you on our order forms, to provide moving quotes, you must provide contact information like name, Email, address and date of your upcoming move. This information is used for availability purposes and to fill your orders. If we have trouble finding an address, we’ll use this information to contact you.

In order to use this website, a user must first complete the registration form. During registration a user is required to give certain information (such as name and email address). This information is used to contact you about the products/services on our site in which you have expressed interest. At your option, you may also provide demographic information (such as address and moving dates) but it is not required.


We use “cookies” on this site. A cookie is a piece of data stored on a site visitor’s hard drive to help us improve your access to our site and identify repeat visitors to our site. For instance, when we use a cookie to identify you, you would not have to login a password more than once, thereby saving time while on our site. Cookies can also enable us to track and target the interests of our users to enhance the experience on our site. Usage of a cookie is in no way linked to any personally identifiable information on our site.

Occasionally we will send special offers about our services to our customers but at any time we will be able to delete your email address from our Email lists. Just reply or email us at with “Remove from list” on the subject line.

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